
Sasula SDK

Version : 1.0


Sasula Payment SDK by Culipa offers a quick way to integrate and start accepting digital payments on your website. Follow our easy guide below and have payments coming in within hours not days!


Including Style & Script :

Include the Style & Script below to on your checkout webpage’s html :

For the best performance, include these above any other scripts or style sheets.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="" ></script>


Form's Element :

Add a DOM container element on your checkout webpage’s html section where you’d like the Sasula Interface to be mounted and displayed. It’s advised to give the container element a descriptive id. In the example below, we use payment-form-parent

<div id="payment-form-parent"></div>

Note : This is the element where the payment form will get mounted.


Create a configuration object to be used to initialize the Sasula payment instance. The example below sets a basic configuration to collect UGX 500 from a Mobile Money Wallet. The configuration is done within the webpage’s javascript.

Basic Configuration :

<script type="text/javascript">
    const config = {
        environment: 'TEST', // SDK environment, e.g. “TEST” to make test payments”
        amount: 50000, // Amount to be paid, e.g. UGX 500.00
        currency: 'UGX', // Amount currency
        merchant: 'YOUR_MERCHANT_NAME', // Enter your Merchant name
        sasulaToken: 'YOUR_SASULA_TOKEN', // Enter your Sasula token
        transactionID: 'YOUR_TRANSACTION_ID', // Enter your Transaction ID
        paymentMethod: 'MOBILE_WALLET', // [Optional] Payment method to be used
        onResult: (result) => { // Returns result
        onRequestPending: (status) => { // Returns result
        onError: (error) => { // returns error(s)

For the best performance, load this configuration at the bottom of your webpage.

Parameters :

Each parameter has a number of validations that govern the values they can accept. See this table to understand what’s accepted where.

Name Required Values Description
environment Yes Type: Enum
Accepted Values:
  • TEST
  • LIVE
  • TEST :
    • For Test transactions on the test environment only.
    • Payments will be simulated and no real money will be moved.
  • LIVE :
    • For the live environment and credentials.
    • Real money payments will be attempted.
    • Only use after successful tests.
amount Yes Type: Integer
  • Minimum : Dependent on Currency (UGX: 50000)
  • Maximum : Dependent on Currency (UGX: 400000000)

Minimum and maximum values are dependent on currency.

The amount to be charged to the payment method in minor units (e.g. cents, pennies). This allows the amount to be region-agnostic and apply regardless of how thousand and decimal separators are expressed in different regions.

Examples : - 50000 is 500.00 (€500,00 or $500.00) - 987654 is 9,876.54 (€9.876,54 or $9,876.54)

currency Yes Type: String
Supported Values:
  • UGX

ISO-3 Letter Currency Code for the amount to be paid.

merchant Yes Type: String

This is your unique Merchant String used to identify your merchant account under your business.

sasulaToken Yes Type: String

This is a bearer authentication token valid for 10 minutes. It is generated from the /getToken Culipa API.

transactionID Yes Type: String
  • Min: 4 chars
  • Max: 64 chars
  • No special chars allowed

The Merchant’s transaction reference or ID that is used to identify the transaction on the merchant’s system.

paymentMethod No Type: Enum
Accepted Enums:

Enum for the required payment method.

If not specified, the form will show all available options in a dropdown menu for your customers to choose.

Specify specific methods for only that method to be displayed.

Parameter Validations :

Each parameter has a number of validations that govern the values they can accept. See this table to understand what’s accepted where.

Parameter Validations
  • Required
  • Type: Enum
  • Supported Enums: TEST, LIVE
  • Required
  • Type: Integer
  • Value in cents
    • e.g. Enter 50000 to pay UGX 500.00
  • Minimum : Dependent on Currency (UGX: 50000)
  • Maximum : Dependent on Currency (UGX: 400000000)
  • Required
  • Type: String
  • Supported Values for V1: UGX
  • Required
  • Type: String
  • Required
  • Type: String
  • Required
  • Type: String
  • Optional
  • Type: Enum
  • Supported Enums for V1: MOBILE_WALLET

Event Listeners :

Use the event listener callback methods below to execute code of your choice whenever specific events happen.

Name Parameters Return Example Returned Object
onResult result JSON Object of the payment request’s result
    message: "Payment Successful!",
    name: "request-payment-status",
    stack: {
        amount: 50000,
        collectFrom: {
            account: "70xxxxxxx",
            country: "UG",
            paymentMethod: "wallet",
        culipaTxID: "I1Q0xxxxxxxxxxx",
        currency: "UGX",
        status: "SETTLED",
        transactionID: "TIDxxxxx",
    type: "request-success",
onRequestPending status JSON Object returned when a request is pending
    message: "Please approve the payment",
    name: "request-payment-status",
    stack: {
        amount: 50000,
        collectFrom: {
            account: "70xxxxxxx",
            country: "UG",
            paymentMethod: "wallet",
        culipaTxID: "I1Q0xxxxxxxxxxx",
        currency: "UGX",
        status: "PENDING",
        transactionID: "TIDxxxxx",
    type: "request-pending",
onError error JSON Object returned when an error is encountered.
    message: "mobileMoneyNumber:\n- The mobile money number field is required.\n",
    name: "mobileMoneyNumber",
    stack: {},
    type: "field-error",

onResult : Parameters & possible values

This table below describes the parameters returned in the onResult Object and their possible values.

Name Type Description
message string

The message returned by SDK after the payment request.

Below are some of possible values :
“Payment Successful!”
“Payment Refused! Please try again later!”
name string

The name of the SDK request from which the message is returned.

Below are some of possible values :
- request-payment-status
stack object The stack object returns the Culipa Collection API JSON response, please take a look at the possible responses here (TBD)
type string

The type of request

Below are the possible values :
- request-success
- request-refused

onRequestPending : Parameters & possible values

This table below describes the parameters returned in the onRequestPending Object and their possible values.

Name Type Description
message string

The message returned by SDK after the payment request.

Below are some of possible values :
“Check your 07xxxxxxxx phone and enter your pin to approve the payment”
name string

The name of the SDK request from which the message is returned.

Below are some of possible values :
- request-payment-status
stack object The stack object returns the Culipa Collection API JSON response, please take a look at the possible responses here (TBD)
type string

The type of request

Below are the possible values :
- request-pending

onError : Parameters & possible values

This table below describes the parameters returned in the onError Object and their possible values.

Name Type Description
message string

The message returned by SDK after the payment request.

Below are some of possible values :
- Request Error Messages
“Something went wrong, please check your sasula config!”
“Payment Failed! Something went wrong!”
“Payment Failed! Something went wrong, please check your sasula config!”
- Field Error Messages
- The mobile money number field is required.”
- The mobile money number must be 10 digits.”
name string

The name of the SDK request from which the message is returned.

Below are some of possible values :
- Request Names
- request-payment-form
- request-payment
- request-payment-status
- Field Names (Form fields)
- paymentMethod
- countryCode
- mobileMoneyNumber
- Field Names (Config fields)
- environment
- amount
- currency
- merchant
- sasulaToken
- transactionID
- paymentMethod
stack object The stack object returns the Culipa Collection API JSON response, please take a look at the possible responses here (TBD)
type string

The type of request

Below are the possible values :
- request-error
- field-error

Show/Hide Sasula Payment Form :

After the configuration has been set, initialize a Sasula object/instance with the above set configuration within the same script body as the configuration.

This will allow you to mount / unmount the payment form UI onto the DOM element you’ve specified, at the time of your choosing. In this example below we’re mounting the form to the payment-form-parent DOM element.

<script type="text/javascript">
    // SDK Instance
    let sasulaInstance = new Sasula(config);
    sasulaInstance.mount('#payment-form-parent'); // Mount to your DOM Element

Note : If your configuration is not done properly, the returned instance will be empty and unable to mount / unmount the form.

Mount/Unmount Method :

The mount and unmount methods on the sasula object allow you to show or hide the Payment form UI whenever you need to.

If your configuration is not done properly, the returned instance will be empty and unable to mount / unmount the form.

Name Description Example
mount() Mounts and displays the payment form onto the div.
<script type="text/javascript">
    // Mount payment form
unmount() Unmounts and removes the payment form from the div.
<script type="text/javascript">
    // Unmount payment form

Note : SDK instance & mount() example is also at the Basic Configuration section.

Example Integration

- Setup :

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script src=""></script>
<!-- Form will get mounted inside below div -->
<div id="payment-form-parent"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    const config = {
        environment: 'TEST',
        amount: 10000000, // 100,000
        currency: 'UGX', // Amount currency
        merchant: 'amazonUganda', // Enter your Merchant name
        sasulaToken: '783y2bf3i7qe6e7.ey893dnh892hshy241y29dn0cu2rf8nb', // Enter your Sasula token
        transactionID: 'order2022-12-31-283', // Enter your Transaction ID
        paymentMethod: 'MOBILE_WALLET', // Payment method to be used
        // Callbacks
        onResult: (result) => {
            processResult(result); // Method to process the returned result object
        onRequestPending: (status) => {
            // Code to do whatever your website needs to do while the payment is pending
        onError: (error) => {
            logError(error); // Method to log your errors
    // SDK Instance
    let sasulaInstance = new Sasula(config);
    sasulaInstance.mount('#payment-form-parent'); // Mount payment form

Implement a similar setup as above, replacing the respective parameter values with those from your Culipa account and with the required

After your implementation, load your webpage in a browser & you should see the payment form as below..


The Form

Introduction :

After the successful Setup & mounting, the form will be generated on the webpage. Using the form Payment can be done. Select and enter valid details in the form & click on the Pay button, after some time popup message will appear as per the SDK response, mainly there are 4 types of popup messages :

  1. Pending : Payment request is pending.
  2. Success : Payment successfully made.
  3. Error : Some errors occurred during payment.
  4. Refused : Payment request has been refused.

Fields :

Name Required Values Description
Payment Method Yes
Select Payment Method by which payment will be done.
Country Code Yes
  • +256 (Uganda)
Select the Country Code of your Mobile Money Number.
Mobile Money Number Yes
  • Your Mobile Money Number.
Enter your 10 digit Mobile Money Number.

Field Validations :

Field Validations
Payment Method
Country Code
Country Code
  • Required
  • Digits : 10
  • Should start with one of the below numbers :
    • 070 : For Airtelug
    • 074 : For Airtelug
    • 075 : For Airtelug
    • 076 : For Mtnug
    • 077 : For Mtnug
    • 078 : For Mtnug

Validation Example :


Personalizing the Form (Optional)

Our default payment form design and size might not be the best fit for your website’s colors, look and feel. If you’d like to customize the form to better match your needs, please review this guide.

Customization Steps :

  1. Download the .css file from this link
  2. Store the downloaded file inside your project’s folder.

    • - Example : “your-project-folder/css/style.css”
  3. Include the new downloaded .css file as described

    • - Example :
      <link href="your-protocol://your-host/path-to-css/your-downloaded-style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
      <script src="" ></script>
    • Replace these with your own :

      •   -     “your-protocol” : Set your project’s protocol (http/https)
      •   -     “your-host” : Set your host name.
      •   -     “path-to-css” : Set your path to css folder.
      •   -     “your-downloaded-style.css” : Set your downloaded .css files name & extension.
      •   -     Remove the include part of the main SDK’s .css file
      •   -     Keep the script.js including part as it is.
  4. Modify your .css file as per your business’ needs below :

The easiest way to kick off your customization is by using our css variables below :

CSS variables : Simple way to Personalize

- Variables :

Name Category Description
--sasula-green-color general The green color as per Culipa’s theme.
--sasula-success-color success Success message box font color
--sasula-success-background success Success message box background color
--sasula-warning-color warning Warning message box font color
--sasula-warning-background warning Warning message box background color
--sasula-error-color error Error message box font color
--sasula-error-background error Error message box background color
--sasula-form-font-size form Form font size
--sasula-form-font-family form Form font family
--sasula-form-border form Form border
--sasula-form-background-image form Form background image
--sasula-form-background-color form Form background color
--sasula-form-background-border-radius form Form background border radius
--sasula-form-background-box-shadow form Form background box shadow
--sasula-form-title-font-size form-title Form title font size
--sasula-form-title-font-color form-title Form title font color
--sasula-form-title-border-bottom form-title Form title border at bottom
--sasula-form-field-title-font-size form-field Form field title font size
--sasula-form-field-title-font-color form-field Form field title font color
--sasula-form-field-background-color form-field Form field background color
--sasula-form-field-font-color form-field Form field font color
--sasula-form-field-font-size form-field Form field font size
--sasula-form-field-placeholder-color form-field Form field placeholder color
--sasula-form-field-border form-field Form field border
--sasula-form-field-box-shadow form-field Form field box shadow
--sasula-form-amount-font-size amount Amount label font size on the form
--sasula-form-amount-font-color amount Amount label font color on form
--sasula-form-pay-button-background-color pay-button ‘Pay’ button background color
--sasula-form-pay-button-hover-background-color pay-button ‘Pay’ button hover background color
--sasula-form-pay-button-font-color pay-button ‘Pay’ button font color
--sasula-form-pay-button-border pay-button ‘Pay’ button border
--sasula-form-pay-button-box-shadow pay-button ‘Pay’ button box shadow
--sasula-form-powered-by-culipa-font-color powered-by-culipa ‘Powered by culipa’ font color
--sasula-form-powered-by-culipa-font-size powered-by-culipa ‘Powered by culipa’ font size
--sasula-form-env-test-info-background-color env-test-info TEST Environment information background color
--sasula-form-env-test-info-font-color env-test-info TEST Environment information font color
--sasula-form-env-test-info-font-size env-test-info TEST Environment information font size
--sasula-form-payment-icon-section-display payment-icon Payment icons section at the top right side
--sasula-form-payment-icon-mtn-display payment-icon MTN MoMo payment icon display
--sasula-form-payment-icon-airtel-display payment-icon Airtel Money payment icon display

Below is an example CSS variable customization. Apply these changes to the .css file & refresh the webpage where form is being loaded.

- Example : Changes

--sasula-form-background-color: AntiqueWhite;
--sasula-form-background-box-shadow: 0 0 1rem 0 Chocolate;

--sasula-form-title-font-color: Indigo;
--sasula-form-title-border-bottom: 2px dotted Indigo;

--sasula-form-field-background-color: Bisque;
--sasula-form-field-font-color: Indigo;
--sasula-form-field-placeholder-color: DarkSlateBlue;
--sasula-form-field-border: 1px solid #000000;

--sasula-form-amount-font-color: Indigo;

--sasula-form-pay-button-background-color: Chocolate;
--sasula-form-pay-button-hover-background-color: teal;
--sasula-form-pay-button-font-color: #fff;
--sasula-form-pay-button-border: 0px solid black;

--sasula-form-powered-by-culipa-font-color: DarkSlateBlue;
--sasula-form-powered-by-culipa-font-size: 18px;

--sasula-form-env-test-info-background-size: Brown;
--sasula-form-env-test-info-font-color: White;
--sasula-form-env-test-info-font-size: 1.25rem;

--sasula-form-payment-icon-section-display: ;
--sasula-form-payment-icon-mtn-display: ;
--sasula-form-payment-icon-airtel-display: none; /*hide AIRTEL icon*/

- Example : Updated Form

After applying above changes & refreshing webpage, the Form should look like this :


Test your integration

All set? Load your checkout webpage where the Payment form UI is mounted. Select the payment method and then enter the payment method’s required payment details and click pay.

Read on, to see how to test specific payment scenarios/results.

Make Payment

If the selected payment method requires additional steps outside the website. For example, with Mobile Money, you will see the Pending pop like below. The pop up box will provide steps to follow to complete the payment outside of the website.



Pending Request


Payment Success

If the payment is successful after, a pop-up like this will be displayed.


The pop-up will get closed after 5 seconds & the form will be ready to perform another payment.

Additionally, the following result JSON object will be returned via the onResult event listener.

  message: "Payment Successful!",
  name: "request-payment-status",
  stack: {
    amount: 50000,
    collectFrom: {
      account: "70xxxxxxx",
      country: "UG",
      paymentMethod: "wallet",
    culipaTxID: "I1Q0xxxxxxxxxxx",
    currency: "UGX",
    status: "SETTLED",
    transactionID: "TIDxxxxx",
  type: "request-success",

Use the following Test Payment Method details to trigger a successful response.

Payment Method Trigger Test Success with Instructions
Mobile Money Wallet
You will see a pending pop-up for 15
seconds instructing you to approve
the payment on the phone. You can
ignore this instruction. The pop-up
will show success after 15 seconds.

Payment Error

In case an error is encountered communicating to Culipa or to the payment method network, this error pop-up will be displayed. The error details will be shared over the event listener so you can respond as required.


Clicking ‘OK’ closes the pop-up box & the form will be ready to perform another payment.

To trigger a test error response, you can use the following payment method details

Payment Method Trigger Test Error with Instructions
Mobile Money Wallet
You will see the error pop-up
show up immediately.

Payment Refused


Clicking ‘OK’ closes the pop-up box & the form will be ready to perform another payment.

To trigger a test refusal response, you can use the following payment method details

Payment Method Trigger Test Error with Instructions
Mobile Money Wallet
You will see a pending pop-up
for 15 seconds instructing you
to approve the payment on
the phone. You can ignore
this instruction. The pop-up
will show refused after 15

Key points to note :

Point Description
One request at a time per form

Click on Pay button :

  • - The request becomes in progress.
  • - Then on the same form another request can’t be initiated.
  • - Another request can be made when the previous request is completed.
Don’t refresh when request is in progress

On Payment request is in progress :

  • - That page should not be refreshed.
  • - When trying to refresh, the page will raise a confirmation alert.
Some number patterns & their return value

Number ends with six Zeros (0) :

  • - Error message box will appear.

Number ends with six Twos (2) :

  • - Refused message box will appear.
  • - Payment request has been refused.

Number ends with six Nines (9) :

  • - After 5 minutes Payment request will be Refused & Refused message box will appear.